Saturday, July 1, 2017

Ponies! A small text update

No pictures in this one!

It's been a while. That's not to say that things haven't been worked on. They have, a bit, when I have the time. You know how it is, life and stuff.

Something came up while I was drawing the sprites for the pony's walk. It dawned on me just how much work drawing every... single... frame of the 24 frames for the walk cycle would take. And then I'd have to draw every... single frame for all the possible clothes and hair and everything! And then if I want to add more than a walk cycle animation? Omg! Can you imagine how much time it would take to do all that?

So then I decided to model a 3D pony. Yeah, I have one. It's in the game. I'm not going to show it just yet. I'm too tired to take screenshots.

Most of the stuff I've been doing, besides modeling a 3D pony and animating a walk cycle for it, is fixing everything that broke after making the pony 3D while keeping the environment 2D.

Much of the movement broke and sorting the sprites also broke, because 3D models don't have sprites to sort!

Much of it is fixed now, and I even got a chance to look back at some pretty incomprehensible movement/interaction player code and make it much nicer and cleaner.

And the issue I mentioned last time with the "walking via dragging the mouse and dragging on a selectable object selects the object and stops your movement" issue has been fixed!

As more "easy" things get out of the way, the harder things need to be done. And those usually take more time and dedication.

I'm not sure what to work on next, here's a huge list of things on my mind from easiest to hardest:
  • Creating a pretty user interface.
    Honestly, though, there wouldn't be much in it because the only button I really have functioning is an inventory button. I might hold off on this until I get more functionality in the game, to make sure I know what the grand picture will be.
  • Creating cottage interiors and more art in general.
    Not very hard, but takes creativity. Which doesn't come super easy. Drawing a lot of props like stoves, chairs, tables, isn't super fun to be honest.
  • Adding more things to do.
    Crafting things? "Wearing" things? You know, rudimentary systems that aren't pretty, but have a little function.
  • Making a nice shader for the pony.
    Oh dear, I'm not very good at this. I might get some help with this, since writing shaders seems more like magic than programming to be right now. The shader I'm currently using isn't mine, but it looks nice enough for now. I'm hoping to create a shader that almost mimics the art style of the environment, but who knows!
Whew. I enjoy working on this project. :) 

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